Sam Horbury
Level 06
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Leeds College of Art

Studio Brief 1 - Message Delivery: Research Defined

Create a body of visual research in response to a story, issue or theme found in the national press tomorrow, Tuesday 23rd October.
Background / Considerations
The willingness and ability to formulate informed opinions about your subject matter is an essential skill for a graphic designer.
In addition to being aware of events, concerns and the (un)popularly held opinions of the world around you, you also need to consider the tone of voice with which they are reported.
It is important that you read the stories thoroughly and research issues that are raised fully before committing your self to a visual opinion.
You can be serious, humorous, questioning, opinionated, bold, or subtle.

From the crit, I have decided to go down the route of actors wages, especially in comparison to that of public sector workers; I will be using James Bond as an example due to his familiarity and the fact that it has been such a long series of films etc. These are some statistics and visuals that I have gathered bearing this in mind:


Sean Connery’s 007 movies:
1. James Bond: Dr. No
  • Release: 1962
  • His age at release: 32
  • Salary: $100,000
2. James Bond: From Russia With Love
  • Release: 1963
  • His age at release: 33
  • Salary: $250,000
3. James Bond: Goldfinger
  • Release: 1964
  • His age at release: 34
  • Salary: $500,000
4. James Bond: Thunderball
  • Release: 1965
  • His age at release: 35
  • Salary: $600,000
5. James Bond: You Only Live Twice
  • Release: 1967
  • His age at release: 37
  • Salary: $1,000,000
6. James Bond: Diamonds Are Forever
  • Release: 1971
  • His age at release: 41
  • Salary: $1,250,000

7. James Bond: Never Say Never Again

  • Release: 1983
  • His age at release: 53
  • Salary: $5,000,000
George Lazenby’s 007 movies:
1. James Bond: On Her Majesty’s Service
  • Release: 1969
  • His age at release: 30
  • Salary: £50,000
Roger Moore’s 007 movies:
1. James Bond: Live and Let Die
  • Release: 1973
  • His age at release: 46
  • Salary: $1,000,000
  • Fun fact: Sean Connery turned down the then astronomical sum of $5.5 million to play James Bond. Connery gave Roger Moore his personal seal of approval for inheriting his role, calling him “an ideal Bond”.
2. James Bond: The Man with the Golden Gun
  • Release: 1974
  • His age at release: 47
  • Salary: $1,000,000
  • Fun fact: One of the lowest-grossing Bond films. That fact, combined with behind-the-scenes problems, nearly made this the final Bond film, and delayed production of The Spy Who Loved Me.
3. James Bond: The Spy who Loved Me
  • Release: 1977
  • His age at release: 50
  • Salary: $1,000,000
4. James Bond: Moonraker
  • Release: 1979
  • His age at release: 52
  • Salary: $4,000,000
5. James Bond: For Your Eyes Only
  • Release: 1981
  • His age at release: 54
  • Salary: $4,600,000
6. James Bond: Octopussy
  • Release: 1983
  • His age at release: 56
  • Salary: $5,200,000
7. James Bond: A View to a Kill
  • Release: 1985
  • His age at release: 58
  • Salary: $7,500,000
Timothy Dalton’s 007 movies:
1. James Bond: The Living Daylights
  • Release: 1987
  • His age at release: 41
  • Salary: $3,000,000
2. James Bond: Licence To Kill
  • Release: 1989
  • His age at release: 43
  • Salary: $5,000,000
Pierce Brosnan’s 007 movies:
1. James Bond: Goldeneye
  • Release: 1995
  • His age at release: 42
  • Salary: $1,200,000
  • Fun fact: The first of the James Bond films ever to be released on DVD.
2. James Bond: Tomorrow Never Dies
  • Release: 1997
  • His age at release: 44
  • Salary: $8,200,000
3. James Bond: The World Is Not Enough
  • Release: 1999
  • His age at release: 46
  • Salary: $12,400,000
4. James Bond: Die Another Day
  • Release: 2002
  • His age at release: 49
  • Salary: $16,500,000

Daniel Craig’s 007 movies:
1. James Bond: Casino Royale
  • Release: 2006
  • His age at release: 38
  • Salary: $3,200,000
2. James Bond: Quantum of Solace
  • Release: 2008
  • His age at release: 40
  • Salary: $7,300,000
3. James Bond: Skyfall
  • Release: 2012
  • His age at release: 44

Poll: Who is your favorite Bond?

  • Sean Connery (41%, 5,477 Votes)
  • George Lazenby (1%, 120 Votes)
  • Roger Moore (11%, 1,465 Votes)
  • Timothy Dalton (2%, 266 Votes)
  • Pierce Brosnan (25%, 3,341 Votes)
  • Daniel Craig (20%, 2,635 Votes)
  • None, I don't like James Bond movies (0%, 134 Votes)
Total Voters: 13,439

Average Public Sector Salaries:
Fire Fighter – 27k
Doctor – 21k (Top consultants getting around 160k)
Surgeon – Between 29k and 44k (Top consultants getting from 70k to beyond 160k)
Paramedic – Between 21k and 28k (Team Leaders getting around 25k to 34k)
Police – Between 20k and 25k (Between 35k and 53k after several years experience)

These are some facts that I have calculated using the average wages of public sector workers and the information I have about various aspects of the James Bond franchise. These can easily be adapted into the three posters I need to create:

1.     The money Pierce Brosnan got for his role in James Bond: Die Another Day could have paid the wage of 491 doctors for a year.
2.     The average doctors wage is only 0.00203405689% of the wage Pierce Brosnan got for his role in James Bond: Die Another Day. 
3.     Pierce Brosnan’s total wage for his roles as 007 was $38,300,000, which could pay a years salary for 887 fire fighters.
4.     Despite being voted as the all time favourite James Bond, Sean Connery got paid a total of $8,700,000 from his roles as 007 whereas Pierce Brosnan got paid $16,500,000, almost double, for just one of his appearances as 007.
5.     The total box office for all of Sean Connery’s roles as 007 was almost £250,000,000, which could pay a year’s wage for 11015 Police Officers.
6.     Despite only being in one James Bond film, the total box office gained from George Lazenby’s role as 007 in James Bond: On Her Majesty’s Secret Service was could have paid the yearly wage for 2188 paramedics.
7.     A surgeon on an average wage of around £36,000 would have to work for 83,593 years to make as much money as the James Bond film series has taken in at the box office.
8.     It would take 2 years for the average paramedic to generate the same income as George Lazenby got for his 142 minutes as 007.
9.     For the average fire fighter to generate the budget used for Quantum Of Solace, they would have to work for 5326 years.
10. The average income at a box office for a James Bond film would take a surgeon around 3633 years to generate.

      I then gathered some imagery that is linked in with some of my ideas and to the public sector workers I am going to be using:

This is a design created by Craig Ward that I feel is very effective and subtly presents the message that was intended. It is something I feel I could use as inspiration for my 'text only' poster.