Sam Horbury
Level 06
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Leeds College of Art

Studio Brief 1 - Message Delivery: Research

Create a body of visual research in response to a story, issue or theme found in the national press tomorrow, Tuesday 23rd October.
Background / Considerations
The willingness and ability to formulate informed opinions about your subject matter is an essential skill for a graphic designer.
In addition to being aware of events, concerns and the (un)popularly held opinions of the world around you, you also need to consider the tone of voice with which they are reported.
It is important that you read the stories thoroughly and research issues that are raised fully before committing your self to a visual opinion.
You can be serious, humorous, questioning, opinionated, bold, or subtle.

This is the range of visual research I gathered for James Bond; my research consists mainly of existing movie posters, book covers and various works from artists. I also have imagery that I feel could be seen as representative of the James Bond franchise.

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