Sam Horbury
Level 06
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Leeds College of Art

OUGD 504 - Studio Brief 1

When given this brief, I instantly wanted to see what the previous year had produced, as this was the benchmark for us. I came across this print pack, designed by Sam Lane, which I thought was a very nice example. 

Within the books, how covers a very broad range of subjects and topics that all relate to print. I have quickly gone through these books and become aware of many more things that I could include within my own project. The use of different colours, in conjunction with the box, has allowed Sam to create a set of books that work alone whilst also working very well as an entire set.


Like how Sam created his set of books, this project has created a range of books that all appear completely different, but due to the box, work very well as an overall set. This is something that I could consider within my own project, perhaps thinking about some way to package my books together.

I came across the above two images when looking at publications online, and these became my main inspirations for my books design. I really like the way in which boxes have been used to highlight the key points, with the text being readable and clear. 

The book above was also an inspiration when it came to the actual design of my book. I was trying to get my head around how I was going to include tabs within my book. Although I ended up not using them, from looking at this book I decided that by creating a shorter cover I could have information along the edge of the page that could always be visible.

I like the use of text within these three books, and think that they are all really well balanced. By putting text around the edge of the page, it draws in your eye to the centre of the pages. This is something that I will play with within my own designs, trying to ensure that my design is balanced yet creative.

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