Sam Horbury
Level 06
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Leeds College of Art

OUGD 503 - Responsive Module

For our first task, we have been asked to collect 5 briefs that we would like to think about responding to within our responsive module. Here is what I have looked at:


I have chosen this brief as I feel that being the target audience, I would have an insight into what the brief is asking us to do. I would be able to instantly know whether something I wanted to do would work or not. I have also never worked with packaging and think that this would be a good opportunity to experiment with it. 


I am very interested currently within different types of stock and the ways in which stock can be used creatively; this being an interest that lends itself greatly to this brief. I would be very interested in participating with the brief in order to further my knowledge within a subject that I am interested in.

UK Greetings:

This brief is fairly different to the other YCN briefs that I have looked at, yet I still feel that I would be able to effectively use my skills and apply them to this brief. I think that being able to create a small set of cards would be very fun and would give me a lot of creative freedom to explore different processes and techniques, which I am currently very interested in.

LCA Christmas Cards:

This is a brief that ends very shortly, yet I think that it could be something that I could experiment with and explore the various processes available to us. If my design was to be selected, I would get a gift voucher and get paid to make the cards, which I think is great incentive for me to design something different and interesting.

Creative Allies:

I chose this brief mainly because during my first year on this course, we had to compete in a very similar competition. During this brief, I managed to work very well and actually won. This has given me some confidence and has inspired me to want to enter more competitions similar to this.

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