Sam Horbury
Level 06
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Leeds College of Art

OUGD 401 - Studio Task 3

4 short statements that summarise my individual positioning / opinions in relation to the following contexts:

  • Politics - In the world we live in, the economy as it is, politicians and world leaders alike have to tell lies in order to protect the general public from the harsh truths they wouldn't want to know or be able to handle. Without these lies to cover the truth, we would soon sink into chaos and anarchy; despite seeming deceitful and lying to the public politicians do what they must in order to keep some sort of control and normality in our lives.

  • Society - Society today, regardless of events from the past, has become a much more accepting and multicultural environment. There are often those who stand up for what they believe, despite much of the general public strongly disagreeing with what they’re saying. In any case, people from all sorts of backgrounds and religions now live together in harmony; sometimes there are conflicts but these are often quickly resolved and every day life soon follows.

  • Culture - No matter where you live or what kind of taste you have, there is always an array of venues nearby that host various different events that allow you to enrich your life with numerous different forms of visual culture. Whether it be arts, film or music you can always find, if you look in the right places, somewhere to indulge your tastes. In the society we now live, especially if you attend such events and organisations, you will come across numerous people that will have similar tastes and interests to you and can share the experience.

  • History - History is filled with wars and disputes, all of which are looked back on by most as huge mistakes for all concerned. This is what makes us, as the human race, stronger; being able to look back on events from the past and have the capability to recognise and learn from our mistakes. This can play a huge role in the future as, hopefully, we can prevent anything bad from the past happening again.

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